Dominican College
Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9

Catholic Schools Week 2025

Catholic Schools Week 2025

As part of our Catholic Schools Week, we were delighted to bring together all students and staff to our oratory (our prayer, reflection and quiet room) to place their fingerprints on our wall. This symbolised that Christ is Alive in our school as we are one community, one love and all together searching for Veritas (truth).

A huge thank you to all our Art department, Ms Robinson and Ms Brennan for their help and dedication to our heart and fingerprint mural. A massive and heartfelt thank you to our TY art students who used all their talents and skills to organise it all and bring it to fruition.

Christ’s love is alive in our hearts.


Gearóid McCartney

204 Griffith Ave, Dublin 9, Ireland, D09A5X0.
01 837 6080
Le Cheile
© 2025 Dominican College Griffith Ave.