Drama Club
Friday 1-2pm
Drama Club is an opportunity for Dominican College Junior students to take part in a weekly speech
and drama class. The class is directed by two 6 th year students: Aisling Murphy and Cara Mooney,
with the assistance and guidance of Ms. Judge.
The purpose of the Drama Club is to give students the opportunity to be creative and learn various
techniques in a fun way. Each week is different and contains a variant of tasks. These range from
theatre games, improvisation, use of different dramatic techniques and vocal coaching. The students
will also get a greater insight into how a stage is used and gain an overall understanding of backstage
work. The aim is to help students become more confident and develop a range of skills that can be
brought in to both their everyday school and social life.
There is also the drama showcase which takes place the beginning of December. This gives the
students the opportunity to get on stage and experience first-hand what it is like to perform in front
of an audience.