School Self Evaluation Summary - Self Evaluation Period: 2023-2026
Dominican College, Griffith Avenue
SSE Community Report 2024 - 2025
Develop a school-wide understanding of differentiated learning & increase the number of students who experience differentiation in the classroom through:
- Content
- Process
- Product
- Environment
Relationships & Partnerships (Key Area 4)
- Develop and support formal and informal systems whereby more senior student are supported in mentoring younger students
- Train Senior Year students as LIFT facilitators to mentor 2nd Year students
Literacy & Numeracy
Literacy Targets
- Increase student comprehension of material in all of their academic work and particularly in the content areas in First Year and in other years where the text bookshelf been updated
- To reduce punctuation errors per class by explicit instruction of the style guide
- Book in the Bag to be re-incentivized by regular participation in D.E.A.R.
Numeracy Targets
- All staff use the SALT technique when teaching graph
- Exam cover pages to allow students calculate their own percentage
Digital Learning Plan 23/24
CPD on differentiation and how digital tools can be used to differentiate through:
- Repeat whole school SELFIE survey in 23/34 to assess developments in Digital Learning and guide future goals
Digital Schools Criteria
- Continue to develop and progress digital learning under the five criteria for Digital School Awards
- leadership and vision
- digital technology integration in the curriculum
- school digital technology culture
- continuing professional development
- resources and infrastructure
SELFIE Digital Schools Academy
- Continue our work as a mentor school providing advice and support to schools who have signed up to the Digital School Awards as part of the peer support programme.
As we continue to develop our Sustainability Plan during the school year 2022/23 we will continue to focus on monitoring and improving our use of water in the school. Our Student & teacherGreen Schools Committee will lead this process.
‘Small actions done consistently can lead to big changes!’ - LIFT Ireland