Dominican College
Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9

Green Schools

Green-Schools Ireland, co-ordinated by An Taisce and operating in over 90% of Irish Schools, is an environmental programme in which pupils work together and alongside management to encourage and maintain environmentally-friendly habits whilst promoting positive whole-school practice.

Dominican College is currently working towards our first Green Flag in Litter and Waste. Our goal for 2019 - 2021 is to improve recycling and reduce waste. In order to achieve this goal, we have adopted a number of environmental initiatives as part of our litter review and waste action plan. These include increasing the number of and types of recycling points within the school, the creation of litter and waste information posters, a waste audit and student questionnaires.

Activities under the Green Schools initiative are coordinated by the Green Schools Committee. The Green-Schools committee also highlights links with the curriculum and works to inform and involve the wider school community in change initiatives wherever possible.

The Green-Schools committee meets frequently and is open to any pupil who is enthusiastic about environmental issues.

Energy Efficiency and Management

Following an EU directive for all public organisations to improve their energy efficiency by 33% by 2020, a number of initiatives have taken place as advised by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.

Energy Coordinators have been established and joined the Green Schools committee. An energy statement has been formulated and will be displayed on the school website and throughout the school. This could be implemented into the school journal for incoming first years in September 2020. This energy statement will highlight our efforts and commitment to improving our energy consumption.

Surveys are being undertaken to gain an understanding of our school’s attitude to energy management – which is looking very optimisitic.

Transition Year students are in the process of creating a presentation on the importance of this issue and will present this to various year groups in the school.

Potential simple low-cost/no-cost energy saving opportunities are outlined below – some pending further consideration/action.

  1. Enable power management on all ICT equipment throughout the school.
  2. Fixing and replacing self-closers on classroom doors to conserve heat.
  3. Placing signage around the school.
  4. Formally publish an energy statement.
  5. Student Energy Team and Light Wardens appointed.
  6. Awareness campaigns.
  7. Upgrading lighting system.
  8. Energy Code Poster Competition.
  9. Making a conscious effort to turn of lights/projectors etc
  10. Shutdown checklist for ICT equipment prior holiday seasons.

204 Griffith Ave, Dublin 9, Ireland, D09A5X0.
01 837 6080
Le Cheile
© 2024 Dominican College Griffith Ave.