Dominican College
Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9

JC - English

C English encourages all students to:

  • Develop an informed appreciation of literature through personal encounters with a variety of literary texts.
  • Be creative through language and to gain enjoyment and continuing personal growth from English in all its forms.
  • Use their literacy skills to manage information needs, and find, use, synthesise, evaluate and communicate information using a variety of media.

Click here for an information leaflet on JC English

As learners, it is important that students become aware of where and how they are improving in their use of language and conscious of where further improvement is necessary. Students are actively involved in the integrated skills of oral language, reading and writing and in discussing and comparing a wide variety of texts and forms of English. As study is a social activity as well as a personal one, students have opportunities to work in groups to achieve appropriate language goals.

Strand 1 - Oral Language

Students will know and use the conventions of oral language interaction, in a variety of contexts, including class groups, for a range of purposes, such as asking for information, stating an opinion, listening to others, informing, explaining, arguing, persuading, criticising, commentating, narrating, imagining, speculating. Our students will be able to use editing skills continuously during the writing process to enhance meaning and impact: select vocabulary, reorder words, phrases and clauses, correct punctuation and spelling, reorder paragraphs, remodel, manage content. The new learning journey allows our students to listen actively in order to interpret meaning, compare, evaluate effectiveness of, and respond to drama, poetry, media broadcasts, digital media, noting key ideas, style, tone, content and overall impact in a systematic way.

Strand 2 - Reading

In the English classroom students will develop the necessary key skills to read texts with fluency, understanding and competence, decoding groups of words/phrases and not just single words. Students will read their texts for understanding and appreciation of character, setting, story and action: to explore how and why characters develop, and to recognise the importance of setting and plot structure. This will aid students to understand how word choice, syntax, grammar and text structure may vary with context and purpose.

Strand 3 - Writing

Students will be able to write competently in a range of text forms, for example letter, report, multi-modal text, review, blog, using appropriate vocabulary, tone and a variety of styles to achieve a chosen purpose for different audiences. These key skills will help students engage with and learn from models of oral and written language use to enrich their own written work. Therefore, allowing students to use language conventions appropriately, especially punctuation and spelling, to aid meaning and presentation and to enhance the reader’s experience.

CBA 1 Oral Presentation

  • The students will deliver an oral presentation to their class. The oral presentation can be:
  1. Performance: The student(s) may participate in a scripted or improvised performance, including drama, alone or with others.
  2. Presentation: The student(s) may speak with or without notes, and a reading of a prepared script is allowable.
  3. Interview:
    The student may respond to questions asked by the teacher and/or other students; the student may assume the role of interviewer as well as respondent in a dialogue setting.
  4. Response to stimulus material:
    Stimulus material—visuals, written text, aural text, and so on—may be used by the teacher and/or student/s to promote, prompt or guide oral communication.

*These oral presentations will be recorded in the classroom for assessment purposes.

CBA 2 Collection of Texts

  • Students will create a collection of texts based on previous class work.
  • The focus of the collection of texts will be on the creation of a range of student texts which might include pieces in the following genres: opinion piece, descriptive piece, a functional writing piece, autobiography, humorous piece, media piece, critique, narrative, an expressive piece (including a poem), drama or film script, and so on.
  • For the purposes of the collection of texts students will, during Years Two and Three, plan to complete and retain at least four pieces of work (texts). The texts retained should cover at least four genres.
  • The collection of texts is selected by the students. Underlying and informing this task is a focus on the developmental nature of writing and on developing the student’s understanding of the writing process. This will be best supported by consistent student practice in the art and craft of writing.

Assessment Task

  • The Assessment Task is based on the principal objective of The Collection of the Student’s Texts, which offers students a chance to celebrate their achievements as creators of texts by compiling a collection of their texts in a variety of genres. The knowledge and skills developed by students during this Classroom-Based Assessment emerge from their growing awareness of the process of writing.
  • 10% of final mark

Written exam

  • 2 hour exam based on the learning outcomes the student will have studied throughout the 3 year course.
  • 90% of final mark
204 Griffith Ave, Dublin 9, Ireland, D09A5X0.
01 837 6080
Le Cheile
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