Dominican College
Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9

LC - Geogrpahy

Geography is an important part of your life. The subject develops an understanding of the changing relationship between your physical and human surroundings. Each decision you make has consequences linked to an aspect of Geography; from your mode of transport to school to the choices you make as a consumer. Through the study of Geography students will develop skills that will help make informed decisions at local, national and international levels.

Subject Content:

Core Unit 1: Patterns and Processes in the Physical Environment (Plate Tectonics, Rocks, Surface Processes)

Core Unit 2: Regional Geography (European & Global Regions)

Core Unit 3: Geographical Investigation and skills (completed prior to the exam worth 20%)

Elective Unit 4: Patterns and Processes in Economic Activities (Economic Development, Globalisation, The EU, Impact of Economic Activity)

Optional Unit 7: Geoecology – (Soil and Biomes - Higher Level only)

Each area is studied in depth. The above is a sample of some of the topics

The teaching of geographical skills will be integrated into each of the units of core, elective and optional units where appropriate. The core geographical skills will also be used and applied in the preparation of the Geographical Investigation which is to be completed in year 1 of the programme.

Exam Structure:

Leaving Certificate Geography is assessed by means of one terminal examination paper at each level. The exam is 2 hours 50 minutes in duration.

Section A: Answer 10 from 12 questions. Each question carries 8 marks 80 m (16%)

Section B: You must answer 4 Long Questions

Physical Geography 1 question from questions 1, 2 & 3 80m (16%)

Regional Geography 1 question from questions 4, 5 & 6 80m (16%)

Economic Geography 1 question from questions 7, 8 & 9 80m (16%)

Geoecology (HL only) 1 question from questions 16,17 & 18 80m (16%)

Written Paper Part 1:

Short Answer Questions: 80 marks: Answer 10 from 12 questions. Each question carries 8 marks.

Course Work: 20%

Report on a Geographical Investigation. This takes place in 5th year.

What other subjects is Geography connected to?

Science, Maths, Business, Economics, Art, History, English, Agricultural Science

College Courses/Careers linked to Geography:

Geography can be studied at 3rd level as a science or arts subjects. Careers include: Town Planning; Environmental Science; Engineering; Tourism; Cartography; Meteorology & Development Work

204 Griffith Ave, Dublin 9, Ireland, D09A5X0.
01 837 6080
Le Cheile
© 2025 Dominican College Griffith Ave.