Dominican College
Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9

LC - Physics

Physics is the branch of science that studies matter, energy and the relationship between them. Understanding the laws of Physics gives us a better view of the world we live in. If you are curious enough to wonder about any of the following questions, then you should enjoy studying Physics.

  • Why do I see colours on my C.D?
  • How does a generator produce electricity?
  • Why is there sometimes a rainbow when it's wet?
  • How can we see inside a person's body with an X-ray machine?
  • How do the speed guns of the Gardaí work?
  • What are mirages and how do they occur?
  • Why do vibrating waves produce sound?

In Leaving Certificate Physics you will study various topics in each of the following areas. Mechanics and Motion (5th year), Heat (5th year), Waves and Sound (5th year), Light and Optics (5th year), Electricity and Magnetism (6th year), Atomic Physics and The Electron (6th year) and Nuclear and Particle Physics (optional)

There are 25 compulsory experiments in Leaving Certificate Physics. Four of these are asked in Section A of the exam and you must answer three. Pupils generally do well here as we focus a lot of attention on experiments and we tend to repeat them closer to exam time. In addition, some of these experiments can be asked in Section B

Why Study Physics?.

Mandatory Experiment Procedures (*with past questions)

Light Experiments

Heat Experiments

Sound Experiments

Mechanics Experiments

Leaving Certificate past Papers

Leaving Certificate past Paper Marking Schemes


Textbook: Real World Physics by Dan O'Regan.

The following books are available from our library:

  • Electronics for Today and Tomorrow by Tom Duncan.
  • Advanced Physics by Tom Duncan.
  • Modern Elementary Particle Physics by Gordan Kane.
  • Particle Physics by Arthur Beiser.
  • A Laboratory manual of Physics by F. Tyler.
  • Leaving Certificate Physics by Donal Collins.
  • How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life by L.A. Bloomfield.

Useful Web Addresses
This applet is a simulation of a ripple tank
Java applets on Physics
A collection of Applets from X-Ray machines to Microwave ovens to the Periodic Table of Elements.
The Radiological Institute of Ireland.
****An excellent gateway site to various Physics applets****

Useful Summaries

Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11

To measure the constant acceleration of a trolley using a ticker tape timer and ticker tape
To show that the acceleration of a body is y proportional to the force acting on it

Useful Past House Exams

5th Year Summer 2005 5th Year Christmas 2006

Physics Proofs

Atomic Physics Maths Questions and Answers

204 Griffith Ave, Dublin 9, Ireland, D09A5X0.
01 837 6080
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