Dominican College
Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9



Welcome to the Web Page of the Dominican College Library

Librarian Mrs. Kealy

Good News! The library is now open with a completely renewed book stock.

This was possible last Spring 2022 with a grant announced for new books for every school from the Minister for Education Norma Foley.

We have continued to fund the refurbishment of the library with funds from the school Lotto which is advertised on our website Dominican School Lotto So we encourage you all to join your school Lotto and build more promising future resources for the school. Here are some photos of the refurbishment and the new book stock in the new-look library!

Borrowing Books

Books can now be borrowed for 2 weeks at a time and we have an ongoing cataloging project for the new books which the Transition Year Students will take part in as part of their Community experience

Drop Everything and Read

From the 6th to the 10th of March we had an exciting week in the school as it was Drop Everything and Read Week. Every student reads a book, an illustrated novel, or an audiobook of their choice (at their own level) for half an hour every day. This was worked into their timetable. Students were encouraged to bring in their own books or borrow one from the library.

As we have the first Google Reference school in Ireland we also emphasise the use of Chrome books which are also stored in the library. Chrome books are particularly useful for non-fiction (fact, up-to-date) material whereas the library has a more relaxing emphasis on fiction (storybook) material.

Reading for Leisure in the Library. DEAR week. 6th to the 10th March 2023

We have Dictionaries, and thesauri (Like with like words in alphabetical order). And also the following can be used online. Chrome books are available in the library. Encyclopaedia Britannica (All knowledge) National Library of Ireland (History and Politics) (Politics and Society)

www.irishtimes/archive (History) (Geography) Copies of the National Geographic Magazine are available in the main Geography Room Articles and Resources for the Curriculum from the Department of Education

Copies of the National Geographic Magazine are available in the main Geography room and the latest one is on display in the Library.

Copies of History Ireland and BBC History are outside the main History room in the Atrium area.

These are useful websites in the classroom for CBAs and other types of research projects at all levels.

Use for reference but check that you use reputable sites for your references

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday 10 am to 4 pm and Friday from 10 am to 1 pm

You can borrow a book for 2 weeks and you can play and learn Chess, Scrabble, Cards, and other Board Games at lunchtime.

Enjoy the library. It’s a place for relaxation and quiet study!

204 Griffith Ave, Dublin 9, Ireland, D09A5X0.
01 837 6080
Le Cheile
© 2024 Dominican College Griffith Ave.