Dominican College
Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9

Student Council

The voice of our present students


1. To enhance the sense of school spirit within our school.
2. To give the students of our school a channel through which they can express their thoughts and options on matters concerning them, while realising that certain limits must be observed.
3. To make students more at ease in revealing their fears of bullying, etc to people of their own viewpoint and age.
4. To provide a link between and to liaise with the pupils, staff and parents of our school.
5. To help develop a mature and responsible attitude towards all aspects of school among the students of our school.


Ordinary membership of the student council will be open to all pupils of Dominican College. One representative and one vice- representative will be democratically elected from each class in the school. Their membership will last for the duration of that school year, subject to compliance with Council rules and directives.


The business affairs of the Student Council shall be under the management of the Executive Committee. A general meeting shall be held once a week and is to be attended by all class Representatives and the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall meet with the Year Representatives once monthly (or as often as deemed necessary). The management and teaching staff shall be kept informed of all proposals put forward and decisions made within the council.


1. Elections to the Executive Committee shall take place before the Christmas break each year.
2. The Executive Committee shall consist of a group six members. Ideally, both seniors and juniors will be represented.
3. The Council shall elect a chairperson, Secretary and the four-member Executive Committee.
4. Should a vacancy arise during the year on the Executive Committee, nominations from the council will be taken and an election will then take place.
5. Outgoing members of the Executive Committee may be eligible for re-election to the committee.
6. The status and role of the Executive Committee will be reviewed and amended (if deemed necessary) each year by the outgoing Committee.


Alterations to the constitution may be proposed at the weekly Council meetings. No changes shall be deemed carried unless with the approval of a simple majority of the members present. The above constitution should be made available to all pupils of Dominican College, Griffith Avenue through class representatives and notice board.


The following students were selected to represent their classes.

204 Griffith Ave, Dublin 9, Ireland, D09A5X0.
01 837 6080
Le Cheile
© 2025 Dominican College Griffith Ave.